Move Into A New Home? Change The Locks Before Moving In

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If you moved into a new home that you recently purchased and you only got one set of keys from the previous owner, you want to call a locksmith. Unfortunately, you don't know who has had a key to the house in the past, or how frequently the locks were changed.

The locksmith can do more for you than just change the lock on the front door, and you'll want to ask them to do the following things when they come to your new home.

A Security Check

A locksmith is also a security professional. Have them look at all of the doors and window, the lighting and the vents, and all other security concerns around the property. They can walk you around and show you where improvements have to be made if you want the home to be safe, and what they suggest you do immediately. You can put the highest priority problems at the top of your to do list.

Lock Replacement and Installation

You don't know if the people that lived in the home gave their key to a babysitter, family member, or if keys were lost or stolen. Have all of the locks replaced so you know you are the only ones with access to the home, and also have deadbolts added if they aren't on the doors. The deadbolts are important when preventing someone from kicking in the doors, and the locksmith can easily add them to an existing door.

Security System Installation

Does the house currently have an up to date security system? An up to date security system doesn't just help notify you and the authorities if an intruder breaks into the home, but also if there is a fire or a gas leak. You'll want to look at the different options that are available, and get a wireless system. Systems that run through a home phone line can be deactivated with wire cutters outside the home.

It is always better to be overcautious than to be sorry, and you don't want to find out someone has access to your home after they have already made their way in. If you've recently purchased a new home and you haven't had the locks changed and you don't know how secure the property is, call a local locksmith in Spokane, WA for help. The sooner you make the changes the better, so you have peace of mind.
